Thursday, May 24, 2012

Told you so

Hall a no-show at APS cheating tribunal |
The former superintendent [Beverly Hall], who retired as the standardized test cheating scandal consumed her district, was subpoenaed by [Camille] Neely’s attorney to testify at Thursday’s hearing.
The attorney, Michael King, said he wanted Hall to testify about whether she knew his client was accused of changing answers on the 2009 Criterion-Referenced Competency Test when Neely taught third grade at Gideons Elementary School.
Thomas Cox, an attorney representing APS, and Richard Dean, Hall’s personal attorney, noted that Hall, who didn't attend the hearing, received King’s subpoena Wednesday afternoon.
“She got it with such short notice, and she could not rearrange her affairs to be here,” Dean said.
I'm sure her days are packed. Otherwise, she would have been delighted to repeat her often-invoked mantra that she don't know nothin' 'bout changin' no test scores.

In a pig's eye. You know it, I know it, and Neely and her attorney both know that there wasn't a snowball's chance Hall would show. They're laying the groundwork for Hall's absence to justify moving for a mistrial (or whatever one calls the equivalent dismissal of an APS tribunal hearing).

It probably would have worked if Hall were still the superintendent.

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